XL Policy for BIM Coverage

Contractors are increasingly using Building Information Modeling (BIM) to generate and manage building data during a building’s life cycle.   BIM uses three-dimensional, real-time dynamic building modeling software to produce a computer model, essentially constructing a virtual building before mobilizing to a construction site.  This can save both time and money by detecting and correcting conflicts early.  XL’s environmental group provides professional liability coverage that is triggered by an act, error or omission in a contractor’s covered professional services.  It is important to note that the technology risks associated with BIM are not intended to be covered by the standard professional liability policy.  However, technology risks can be covered by XL EclipseProTM a Technology Services and Miscellaneous Professional Liability policy that is specifically designed to cover the information technology exposures inherent in the use of the modeling software.  Both of these coverages allow XL to offer a full-service solution for their construction partners involved with BIM.

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